Senin, 22 November 2010
Jumat, 19 November 2010
Albert Hoffman

RIP: Albert Hoffman, Father Of LSD, Dead At 102
EROWID: Albert Hofmann passed away at his home at 9am on Tuesday Apr 29, 2008 of a heart attack at the age of 102. He will be missed. Albert Hofmann was born in Baden, Switzerland in 1906. He graduated from the University of Zürich with a degree in chemistry in 1929 and went to work for Sandoz Pharmaceutical in Basel, Switzerland. With the laboratory goal of working towards isolation of the active principles of known medicinal plants, Hofmann worked with Mediterranean squill (Scilla maritima) for several years, before moving on to the study of Claviceps purpurea (ergot) and ergot alkaloids.Over the next few years, he worked his way through the lysergic acid derivatives, eventually synthesizing LSD-25 for the first time in 1938. After minimal testing, LSD-25 was set aside as he continued with other derivatives. Four years later, on April 16, 1943, he re-synthesized LSD-25 because he felt he might have missed something the first time around. That day, he became the first human to experience the effects
of LSD after accidentally ingesting a minute amount. Three days later, on April 19, 1943, he decided to verify his results by intentionally ingesting 250 ug of LSD. This day has become known as “Bicycle Day” as Hofmann experienced an incredible bicycle ride on his way home from the lab.
In addition to his discovery of LSD, he was also the first to synthesize psilocybin (the active constituent of ‘magic mushrooms’) in 1958. Albert Hofmann, known as the ‘father of LSD’, continued to work at Sandoz until 1971 when he retired as Director of Research for the Department of Natural Products. He continued to write, lecture, and play a leading role as an elder in the psychedelic community until his death at the age of 102. MORE
WIKIPEDIA: Hofmann called LSD “medicine for the soul” and was frustrated by the worldwide prohibition that has pushed it underground. “It was used very successfully for 10 years in psychoanalysis,” he said, adding that the drug was hijacked by the youth movement of the 1960s and then unfairly demonized by the establishment that the movement opposed. He conceded that LSD can be dangerous in the wrong hands.[5] In December 2007, Swiss medical authorities permitted a psychotherapist to perform psychotherapeutical experiments with patients who suffer from terminal stage cancer and other deadly diseases. Although not yet started, these experiments will represent the first study of the therapeutic effects of LSD on humans in 35 years, as other studies have focused on the drug’s effects on consciousness and body. Hoffmann supported the study, and continued to believe in the therapeutic benefits of LSD.[7] Hofmann was due to speak at the World Psychedelic Forum[6] from March 21 to March 24, 2008 but was forced to pull out due to poor health. MORE
LSD (Lysergic acid diethylamide)

"If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, infinite" William Blake

Hanya Saja
Hello loner,
Kayak emang jarang gue nulis di blog ini. maksutnya nulis apa yang ada di kepala. Karena gue lebih bisa menumpahkan dengan lagu2 itu, pideo itu, coretan itu, image2 itu dan semua itu lah.
saat gue menulis ini gue lagi di keadaan yang sungguh tidak mengenakan, kerjaan mundur terus, bahkan ada yang kabur ga jelas jadi dalam artian laen gue lagi "tongpes". Tersirat juga apa emang karena gue nya aja yang pemalas? haduh emang susah bener ngilangin sifat malas, maafkan ya Allah atas segala kemalasan ku ini. Susah bener memang jadi giat kalo punya kantor di kosan sendiri, di kamar 4x4 meter ini.
Oh iya tiba2 gue keinget kata2 gue ke temen gue. dia menyarankan supaya gue ga terlalu penyendiri dan males bersosialisasi dan jadi lebih berani menghadapi apa yang di depan, dan menjawab nasehat dia dengan " Aku ngga takut dengan sesuatu yang baru, tapi Aku takut akan hal yang sudah terbiasa ".
Terkadang memang kita lebih takut akan hal yang sudah terbiasa dari pada hal-hal yang kita baru saja berjumpa, emang kadang2 sih, walau kita akan lebih sering nyakitin orang yang sudah ber tahun2 mencintai kita dari pada orang yang baru kita kenal. Tapi untuk beberapa hal sepertinya akan lebih relefan apa perkataan gue tadi.
Apakah bener relefan? atau gue hanya tak tahan pingin ngebales perkatan dia?
The Verve - On Your Own
On Your Own lyric :
Was it a dream? Was I in it?
Life seemed so obscene until it's over
Who knows?
All I want is someone who can fill the hole
In the life I know
In between life and death when there's nothing left
Do you wanna know?
You come in on your own
And you leave on your own
Forget the lovers you've know
And your friends on your own
Tell me if it's true
That I need you, you are changing
I've seen this road before down on the floor
It is hurting me
All I want is someone who can fill the hole in the life I know
In between life and death when there's nothing left
Do you want to know?
You come in on your own
And you leave on your own
Forget the lovers you've know
And your friends on your own
Lies I've got to get rid of this whole inside.
Rabu, 10 November 2010
Guy Ritchie

Guy Stuart Ritchie (born 10 September 1968) is an English screenwriter, film maker, pub landlord, fathers rights family law reformer and businessman.
Filmography :
Year | Film | Notes | Credited as | ||
1995 | The Hard Case | 20 min short film | Director | Writer | |
1998 | Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels | Feature film debut | Director | Writer | |
2000 | Snatch | Director | Writer | ||
2001 | The Hire: Star | BMW Short Film Commercial | Director | ||
2002 | Swept Away | With Madonna | Director | Writer | |
2005 | Revolver | Director | Writer | ||
2007 | Suspect | Television | Director | ||
2008 | RocknRolla | Director | Producer | Writer | |
2009 | Sherlock Holmes | Director | |||
2011 | Sherlock Holmes 2 | Director | |||
2012 | The Fistfull | Director | Writer |
Born Again - Richard Ashcroft and the United Nations of Sound (Official HD)
Born Again lyric :
Love is the law, pure perfection
I'm born again yeah
Who said love was a losin game
I've got light man, I feel no pain
Cause I'm born again yeah
Now get up when you're on the floor
Get up, do you wanna fight some more
now get up aaaah
I saw Venus up in the sky
I turned down my head and Serena smiled
That I'm born again yeah
I held the hand of a crying girl
Brooklyn tears yeah I've felt the spell
I was born again yeah
Now get up when you're on the floor
Get up, do you wanna fight some more
Now get up aaaah
This is life at in the end you know that there's light
There's no need to cry through the night
Now I'm a man who ain't afraid
I destroyed my ego just to make the space
Cause I'm born again yeah
And when I feel a melody
I get a righteous charge right through me
Yeah I'm born again yeah
Now get up when you're on the floor
Just get up
Don't wanna fight no more
Now get up
Aaah anekatips
Cause that's life and in the end you know
That there's light
There's no need to cry through the night
Altogether now
Na, nana-na-nana, nana-na
Come on
One life, one life, let's go
Senin, 08 November 2010
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